Apex Homosexual
During [EFAP#48], a video discussing Tywin Lannister as the ultimate homosexual prompts Rags to dub him the Apex Homosexual

Originates from [EFAP#21] when Downward Thrust (Tone Loke) says Argably rather than Arguably, which causes EFAP to compare him to a pirate, which the chat runs with later on in memes.

Bilbo Baggins
The origin of Bilbo Baggins stretches all the way back to The Dishonoured Wolf Podcast before EFAP existed. EFAP revisited this video from Downward Thrust in [EFAP #21]

Blessed Pipeman
During the end of [EFAP#24] Jared renames Voxis Productions Professor Tosspot into the "The Blessed Pipeman".

Cosmic Chicken
Wolf finds out about Hinduism and the Cosmic Egg during [Jays Stream], which leads them to wonder who laid the egg

In [EFAP#34] Downward Thrust explains his dad witnessed the video game crash in the 80’s first hand, which leads EFAP & chat to try and decide a name for him.

Disney Fanatical Star Wars Universe
During the ""Debate'"" with Wolf & Mauler, the guy puts forward this very interesting argument.

Does it hurt?
While covering the leaks of Star Wars Episode 9 during [EFAP#60], some interesting methods of Kylo and Reys force connection came up. Which led to Mauler coining this phrase.

The Don
The story of the Don was revealed in [EFAP#36] as EFAP & the chat start to figure out his background

Elevator Music
The elevator music is used by Mauler to during odd arguments usually between Wolf and Rag’s and more recently any odd disagreements that break out.

During [EFAP#52], chat noticed how much The Closer Look loves this word, going as far to make a Compilation of his EPIKS and other adjectives

For no reason!
The argument most used by Cinematic Venom trying to explain why Lord of the Rings is bad during his video on [EFAP#93]. This later morphed into ‘For nough reason’ for fringy memes.

Cynic Snacks tells a story about a “beefy scary looking” dog he saw in an alley during [Jays Stream], Mauler dubs him Goliath

Good Rat
Browntable choose a very bad font for his video in [EFAP#48], which leads to the question: Just what is Good Rat?

Hello all my Ewoks
During [EFAP#67], Quinton decides to compare the Jannah & her friends in Rise of Skywalker to Ewoks.

Hello all my N words
At the start of [EFAP#19] Rags rewards the first person in chat by saying it will be read out, which led Wolf to say his now catchphrase "Hello all my N words"

Hiddel Subbeldees
During [EFAP#101] a brand new philosopher is discovered during a particularly bad video.

Hi Rags
During [EFAP#17] a drunk Rags decides to send a superchat saying “Hi Rags”, which leads the chat to wonder if he is okay

Human Intercourse
In [EFAP#74] Generation Films gives the perfect words to describe sex between 2 humans.

Intellectual Gaming Community
Mauler notices that Downward Thrust puts himself into the Intellectual Gaming Community in [EFAP#21]

During [EFAP#78] this lovely misspelling was noticed while covering the thought theatre

Is this supposed to be Alfred?
During [EFAP#70] Ralph goes full philosopher and joins the likes of Bigideas and Browntable during his Joker review

I was hacked
This became a running gag throughout [EFAP Gaming#4] while EFAP was playing Jackbox Party.

Jeb came into existence during [EFAP#59]. Please Clap

Kyle Ben
Rags accidently renames Kylo into Kyle during [EFAP#17], which the decides to call Kyle Ben, Mauler decides he would be played by Michael Cera

[EFAP#31] takes a tangent when the Madea film series is mentioned and it leads to chat creating many different Madea movies

In [EFAP#12] Mauler explains why Joseph Anderson doesn’t want anything to do with him. [Conversation]

In [EFAP#60], While talking about Rise of Skywalker spoilers, DasBoSchitt accidently says McMuffin instead of McGuffin

This ad sponsor came up during [EFAP#150 P2] while covering a Black Widow video, and it became an instant meme.

Nuanced little centrist boy
During [EFAP#15] while watching forced diversity, Eric Taxxon fails again in his video

Oracle Spider
In [EFAP#19] Jay Exci ask if spiders can actually tell the future just like Spiderman, which leads to an interesting conversation

During the Arrival debate in [EFAP#32] a chat message says a mothers love for a biological child would be stronger than an adopted one, which Mauler and Co. strongly disagree with

During [EFAP#95], both videos that were covered featured an enormous amount of finger pointing, which caused the chat to react.

Privilege Goggles
In [EFAP#50] Jim Sterling calls VR Goggles “Privilege Goggles” because you need a lot of money and to be free of common physical ailments to use them.

During [EFAP#8] Rags went through a name change due to Quinton adding an apostrophe to his name

Rhino Milk
One of the longest running EFAP memes, first appeared in [EFAP#5] in a video from Jay Exci (then CinemaSinSins) where he said the iconic phrase "There's no reason not to farm rhinos, they're not a traditionally domesticated animal sure, but they produce milk". The first occurrence of 🦏🥛 was made by Subliminal Origami, from that point it branched out into other things. (Bee Milk, Spider Milk)

Sexual Harassment
Browntable describes the Don touching Captain Marvels map as sexual harassment in [EFAP#37]

Slice & Dice!
During the debate in [EFAP#25] Maj0r Lee describes himself standing up in the cinema and screaming slice & dice! in response to the death of Snoke in The Last Jedi.

while watching a half speed Downward Thrust video in [EFAP#34] chat decides to dub this new version Slownald Loke

Sword Like Weapon
Rey is amazing with a lightsabre because she has used a staff before, as we see during [EFAP#50]

The Toxic Brood
In [EFAP#29] the videos creator unironically says enjoy the video or you are part of the toxic brood.

Vote Twice
In [EFAP#26] A discussion about disabled people slowly turns into fat people getting to vote twice as they are more of a person.

While watching a video about Rags in [EFAP#56], one of the people unknowingly gives him a new name

Weird Grape
In [EFAP#24] While discussing pineapple on pizza Rags mentions how olives looks like weird grapes

What'd you bring me?
This classic line delivered by Jacob Kane in Batwoman will go down in EFAP meme history.

With Women
While watching forced diversity in [EFAP#15], the chat come up with some interesting new films

Wolf-Bot 3000
During [EFAP Gaming#3] Wolf has to leave and a bot takes over his place, playing much better than wolf originally did, Mauler, Metalcommander & Rag’s band together to eventually beat the Wolf-Bot in the end.

You get to look at women
In [EFAP#13] while defending The Last Jedi, Maj0r Lee unironically says “You get to look at women” as a positive to the film.