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"Obi-Wan Kenobi is AMAZING!"
Original Airdate:
Videos Covered:
Total Pauses:
25th June 2022
Cynical Reviews
Marc The Cyborg
Jay Exci
& Rags
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Season Finale Review - IGN
Length: 6:02 | Start Timestamp: 50:25 | Pauses: xxx

A complete breakdown of Thor: Love and Thunder Part 1
Original Airdate:
Videos Covered:
Total Pauses:
10th July 2022
Jay Exci
& Rags
Full breakdown and discussion of Thor: Love & Thunder

"The Unfortunate Sucking of Marvel Phase 4" - The essayists turned on Disney
Original Airdate:
Videos Covered:
Total Pauses:
6th August 2022
Jon Graham
& Rags
MCU Phase 4 kinda sucks... a lot - Typoh
Length: 26:54 | Start Timestamp: 51:31 | Pauses: xxx
Typoh arrives to discuss Marvel and his video - Starts: 3:55:28
The Unfortunate Problems With Marvel's Phase Four - Nerdstalgic
Length: 9:03 | Start Timestamp: 51:31 | Pauses: xxx

Talking about Spoodermin, Superheroes and that wonderful She-Hulk premiere
Original Airdate:
Videos Covered:
Total Pauses:
20th August 2022
The Meme Repository
& Nutsa
Discussion of Spiderman NWH and the Glorious She-Hulk

Intro Videos:
(00:00) - (01:59) - 200 Episodes of EFAP but we learned what 'take pride in your work' means by Gaia Rai
(02:01) - (18:58) - EFAP #200 Song: Two Hundred by Rainbow Soap
(26:57) - (5:41:53) - *Video Coverage*
A Difficult Subject (The Jimquisition) - Jim Sterling (AKA Why can't games have EZ mode)
Video Length: 27:04 | Coverage Time: 5 Hours
(27:46) 'Boglin noises'
(1:03:09) "Why are you worried about what others think, so long as they're having fun with the same game?"
(1:11:18) - *Tangent* - Pokemon naming
(1:15:08) "It's getting harder and harder to find games that are just fun games that aren't trying to fuck you over"
(2:13:39) "Royston, Royston, I just roasted me a soyboy casual neckbeard"
(3:25:06) "If they bump it down to easy mode they'll probably struggle at it still"
(3:44:15) - *Tangent* - Fringy discovers the Shoehorn
(3:54:05) "Making games enjoyable for a variety of people, that should be seen overall as a net positive, surely!"
(4:02:28) "The game isn't for you, it's for the people who like hard work"
(4:17:19) - *Tangent* - Mass Effect / Resident Evil + others discussion
(4:49:31) "I just wouldn't care"
(4:50:35) "Anyway, I realise theres a measure of irony In me emphasising how little I care"
(4:51:05) "I care on some level"
(5:10:03) "If there is an alternative way to enjoy a game they get offended and they'll call you a cuck and tell you that you're playing the game wrong"
(5:19:39) - *Tangent* - Moviebob 'too long' tisms
(5:48:05) - (8:23:23) - *Video Coverage*
The Curse of Video Game Criticism - yakkocmn (AKA How to annoy a Theo)
Video Length: 16:11 | Coverage Time: 2½ Hours
(5:54:44) "I'm not trying to say I hate talking about games or that criticism is a inherently negative thing"
(6:00:13) - *Tangent* - Pokemon Arceus canon
(6:03:13) "It's okay for childlike wonder and dumbfounded happiness to win on occasion"
(6:04:59) "You can just like something because it's cool"
(6:35:30) "This strange attempt at organised objectivity entirely removes the explanation or context that would make Dark Souls difficulty or watching paint dry gameplay make a hint of sense"
(7:04:11) "Oh boy, the hour count obsession is another topic for another video. Price? Oh boy, the hour count obsession is another topic for another video."
(7:24:35) "Simple number scales and quote-unquote objective reviews often fail to convey the writers individual takeaways or let their personal feelings shine through"
(7:40:59) "Internet discourse has become so volatile over the years that to like a game you have to know exactly why you like it and explain it in a way that sounds like your a lifeless Wikipedia article"
(7:53:56) "A real objective review would be incredibly boring and not at all helpful"
(8:00:47) "For many games, things that are considered to be fact are often just the loudest opinions that have solidified over time"
(8:08:36) "The funniest part is Joseph Anderson has a fantastic video called subjectivity is implied where he discussed this exact topic"
(8:21:57) "It's okay to like things that other people think are bad"
Hosts & Guests
Memes Shown

Runtime: 8:31:17 | Guests: 10 & Rag's | Videos Covered: 2

Intro Videos:
(00:00-03:33) - EFAP #200 Song: Toxic Brood by The Fellowship of the Meme
(05:58) - (1:28:20) *Rounds of Gartic Phone - Normal*
Round 1 Prompts: (Drawing starts at 08:34, Results start at 24:48)
(24:48) - Mauler - The Adam and Sitch show
(25:44) - The Meme Repository - Magic Cum Shot: It's my own design.
(26:35) - JLongbone - Mouse signing a bill
(27:26) - E;R - Mario Luigi making out
(28:15) - Metalcommander - Jimmy is holding a Box
(29:08) - PSA Sitch - The revolution of Hasan's Chair-letariat
(29:57) - Adam-Friended - 016
(30:48) - Fringy - A happy duck lived a happy live atop a happy pond
(31:41) - Rag's - Three colorful birds ate a normal sized meal.
(32:33) - Nerdrotic - Cinderella dying at a funeral
Round 2 Prompts: (Drawing starts at 33:47, Results start at 50:13)
(50:13) - Mauler - A friendly game of backgammon
(51:25) - The Meme Repository - My johnson juice on the loose, look at it fllyyying!
(52:17) - JLongbone - Mauler removing his gas mask for the very first time
(53:11) - E;R - Mario ABSOLUTELY makes out with Luigi, without his consent
(54:02) - Metalcommander - Humphrey shleems all over pond
(54:53) - PSA Sitch - Rags usurps Mauler
(55:48) - Adam-Friended - The Universe full of ducks eating pizza
(56:43) - Fringy - Superman buying some groceries
(57:40) - Rag's - Finally. We've done it. The cure for cringe.
(58:32) - Nerdrotic - 3 men and a dead baby fish
Round 3 Prompts: (Drawing starts at 1:02:31, Results start at 1:18:41)
(1:18:41) - Mauler - A large man with a gun.
(1:19:35) - The Meme Repository - The miracle of birth. A fresh baby emerges from the Wohmb.
(1:20:31) - JLongbone - Vegan dingo stripper hates cellphone service
(1:21:19) - E;R - MauLer praises Captain Marvel as a lovely, level-headed lad
(1:22:12) - Metalcommander - 4 Balls on the edge of a cliff
(1:23:08) - PSA Sitch - "Want to know how I got these artists?"
(1:24:05) - Adam-Friended - I beautiful communist girl, she's easy too.
(1:24:57) - Fringy - Guy standing on the surface of the Moon
(1:25:56) - Rag's - A church full of worms. Actual worms. Full. To the brim.
(1:26:46) - Nerdrotic - MovieBob's Fridge quits on him
(1:31:11) - (4:13:21) - *Video Coverage*
Joss Whedon Hates Captain America - Braeden Alberti (AKA How to go full retard & make me insane)
Video Length: 13:23 | Coverage Time: 2½ Hours
(1:35:59) "It would be nice to see cap's reaction to just how far stark industries progressed and how he views Tony when compared to Howard but no instead of all that we get constant references to the idea that he's dumb because he's old"
(1:58:00) "When Captain America finally enters the fight he uses his signature shield throw straight to the faces of Thor and Iron Man and it literally has no effect on either of them they just seem mildly annoyed. He tells them to stop fighting and Thor tries to kill him for it"
(2:15:24) "Tony claims everything special about cap came out of a bottle and based on this film [Avengers] alone that's kind of an overstatement if anything"
(2:23:50) "Stand next to the red lever until Iron Man tells him to flip it and he can barely even do that one right"
(2:36:58) "A guy that looks like this is not nearly imposing enough to refer to someone as son"
(2:38:07) "Once the Chitauri battle begins, Captain America enters the fight flailing helplessly in the quinjet until it lands"
(2:38:48) "Rando cop immediately disrespects him and questions his authority before some conveniently placed aliens show up"
(3:01:32) "The way they wrote it [ordering cops] makes you want to laugh at Captain America for even showing up"
(3:06:16) - *Tangent* - Remembering The Mandalorian
(3:13:48) "Iron Man orders Captain America to give the orders, he can't even have that, his one thing"
(3:18:59) "This next major scene is probably the most offensive of all, the scene where he tries to save the civilians from the bomb, and man, he is really having a hard time fighting these nameless minions"
(3:25:10) "He gets blown the hell out of the window and then he gets all sad, he's probably just embarrassed about what just happened"
(3:35:18) "They could do a nice call back and have him say something like 'we could do this all day' or 'avengers assemble' to justify him being there" *Editors note: Please kill me*
(3:45:02) "We get scenes like this where cap and Thor fight side by side, only cap gets wrecked and Thor makes it look easy. Thor has to check in on him like he's a child"
(3:58:04) "He couldn't get close without getting shot [Fixing the Helicarrier], well then don't write it that way"
(4:05:33) "He is not a wise leader, he's a helpless child"
(4:08:00) - *Tangent* - What would Steven Hawking's superhero name be?
*A selection of Video Clips*
(4:27:25) - Red Letter Media discussing the Obi-Wan Kenobi show
(4:36:00) "Other than The Mandalorian season one, this is the most I've liked Star Wars in the last 35 years"
(4:41:37) - *Tangent* - Character, inconsistencies and Doctor Strange: MoM
(5:15:48) - *Tangent* - Casts favourite movie:
The Meme Repository: Highlander / Terminator 2
Shadiversity: A Knight's Tale / Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
Rags: LOTR: Fellowship of the Rings - Honourable Mention: Watership Down
PSA Sitch: Fight Club - Honourable Mentions: Shawshank Redemption / 12 Angry Men
Mauler: The Prestige - Honourable Mentions: Terminator 2 / Aliens
Fringy: Saving Private Ryan / Hot Fuzz
Evan Monroe: Groundhog Day Honourable Mentions: Whiplash / Dr Strangelove
E;R: Groundhog Day / Redline
Adam-Friended: The Matrix / Time Bandits
Moriarty: Kung Fu Panda / Emperors New Groove
(5:38:01) - *Tangent* - Duos and the order of their names
(5:41:08) - *Tangent* - What is a story? (Fringy loves pie) & Objectivity (Strap in)
(6:35:25) "These last 2 episodes were pretty decent Vader"
(7:18:28) "Cos it [Lightsabers} was introduced in a cheap sci fi from a 70's, they're stuck with it"
(7:41:20) "I officially do not give a shit about Star Wars Canon, I just don't give a shit"
(7:47:13) "Vader doesn't remember who Obi-Wan was in... I don't give a shit!"
(7:49:20) "Oh, poor little baby leia's been kidnapped... fuck her, she's the daughter of a monster I mean why would he care?"
(7:56:59) "If I were Obi-Wan, I'd kill Luke"
(8:18:35) "[Luke] goes from a farm boy looking for adventure to yes father I can sense the good in you, I have drained all emotion from my personality"
(8:30:19) - 'Deceived' by Star Wars poster
(8:36:33) - Is Ethan racist? (The eyes tell all)
(8:38:49) - Scarlett Witch outfit colour + many other secrets you never knew!
(8:50:29) - Angry Joe on She-Hulk
(8:53:01) "They're fictional characters! I don't give a shit"
(8:59:00) "Have you ever had a period Alex?"
(9:07:58) "I'm actually looking forward to the next episode, my final verdict is also a 7/10"
(9:09:19) - Hasan: Using emotes is stealing and the same as watching videos with no commentary
Hosts & Guests
Memes Shown

Runtime: 9:22:58 | Guests: 13 & Rag's | Videos Covered: 1

Intro Videos:
(00:00 - 02:35) - EFAP #200 Remix | 200 Tisms by Toxic Mix
(07:09 - 35:37) - *EFAP Survey Results*
*Reacting to Video Memes*
(40:03) - EFAP #200 Song: Two Hundred by Rainbow Soap
(1:00:04) - 200 Episodes of EFAP but we learned what 'take pride in your work' means by Gaia Rai
(1:02:51) - EFAP #200 Song: Toxic Brood by The Fellowship of the Meme
*Reading things from the Internet*
(1:20:40) - Wishing for a Fem Clown hook-up
(1:28:26) - Breaking Bad Ruined us
(1:35:04) - Patricks sign regret
(1:50:44) - Superman *needs* raining cars
(1:54:29) - Extras in Doctor Strange
(2:03:21) - The best Batman?
(2:12:14) - The morals of Wanda
(2:16:43) - Senpai Kenobi
(2:23:04) - ESB was rubbish when it came out + appearance by Mauler
(2:26:40) - The Longman is TOO LONG
(2:42:40) - Mauler?!?!?!?!?!?! + More Reddit retards
(2:54:35) - More long + The Flash
(3:04:38) - It's fiction, what about IRL?! + Mauler is just Anti-SJW
*Reacting to Video Memes*
(3:11:33) - EFAP #200 Remix | 200 Tisms by Toxic Mix
(3:15:01) - Warner Brothers Actor Crisis... by TruePopCulture7
(3:15:32) - Charlie visits Fringy in Hell by Blank Face
(3:17:37) - Nice argument Fringey by Jack Chipper
(3:26:01) - Dobbing on Fringy by Blank Face
(3:31:57 - 4:44:31) - *Video Coverage*
The Boys: The Show For Thinking People (Video Essay) by About Movies (AKA How to use your big think)
Video Length: 14:46 | Coverage Time: 1 Hour
(3:33:39) "There is also a huge number of important issues that absolutely every viewer cares about"
(3:37:56) "The genre has already managed to form a certain tradition, a set of plots, images and techniques"
(3:40:24) "It describes a world where there is a powerful corporation Vought, which owns superheroes and wants control over almost the whole world "
(3:43:44) "Genillilly"
(3:44:16) "And in the second one, they filled the narrative with almost Shakespearean collisions"
(3:54:34) "In scenes where superheroes, sitting at their pretentious negotiating table, discuss not incidents in the world, but the filing of their adventures"
(3:57:46) "The audience was delighted that 'The Boys' offered a different approach to superheroics... but did they?"
(4:00:08) "Captain Marvel was about immigration and how easy it was to deceive soldiers by sending them into battle"
(4:02:43) "This is an unremarkable Hughie, whose girl is accidently killed by a superhero"
(4:04:20) "This topic has already been raised in movie comics"
(4:06:47) "Even when the camera focuses on how someone's head explodes, the series tries to give really important comments on the most acute problems of the modern world"
(4:11:55) "Superheroes being the main product, the infernal creature of this system, do not really save anyone"
(4:13:06) "Basically, it's some kind of public nice story that can be shown on TV"
(4:20:03) "The problem of sexual minorities in the context of the entertainment industry does not remain without attention"
(4:28:41) "As you can see, 'The Boys' are not against the genre, but against the very structure of society"
(4:29:30) "Even a superhero can be threatened with Twitter"
(4:30:57) "This once again shows why 'The Boys' is an actual series in our time"
(4:36:28) "The two main colour schemes are blue-green and yellish blue"
(4:40:27) "Perhaps the most difficult thing in modern realities is to remain a human despite everything"
(4:44:19) "If you click on this icon, you are finding out everything about the history of the development of film comics"
(4:46:06- 5:12:12) - *Partial Video Coverage*
Adult Animation Teaches To Be Adult (Video Essay) by About Movies (AKA The video that made Fringy do this)
Video Length: 14:12 (Covered up to 5:03) | Coverage Time: ½ Hour
(4:46:08) "Violence and meta-irony; Vulgar jokes and talk about politics"
(4:47:03) "That was why The Simpsons, South Park and other satirical cartoons had long caused discontent. The audience took them as kids content, which for some reason was filled with completely unacceptable things"
(4:55:37) "It was a contender for the first animation in history"
(5:09:32) "After all, cartoon, as many believe, are something frivolous, created for children and for fun"
(5:11:32) "The animator [1940's MGM] was significantly ahead of 'South Park' in the ability to raise acute social issues in cartoons"
(5:14:30) - The Boys
(5:20:22) - Breaking Bad / House / Interstellar / Tenet
(5:28:52) - Batman / Spiderman
(5:36:33) - Star Wars
(5:38:58) - The Green Knight / Needing external media?
(5:44:23) - Difficulty in Video Games / From Software games
(5:52:34) - Day Z / Metal Gear Solid
(5:59:02) - House of Dragons / Dexter / Better Call Saul / Breaking Bad / The Wire
Outro Videos:
(6:08:21) - 200 Episodes of EFAP but we learned what 'take pride in your work' means by Gaia Rai
(6:10:18) - EFAP #200 Song: Toxic Brood by The Fellowship of the Meme
Hosts & Guests
Runtime: 6:14:03 | Guests: 10 & Rag's | Videos Covered: 2
EFAP #200 in stats
Runtime: 24:08:18 | Guests: 23 & Rag's | Videos Covered: 5
Total Time: (15:52:26)
Total Time: (8:05:02)
PSA Sitch
Total Time: (5:37:46)
Indigo Gaming
Total Time: (2:45:29)
Total Time: (13:45:44)
Total Time: (7:41:46)
Evan Monroe
Total Time: (4:42:05)
Critical Drinker
Total Time: (1:22:52)
The Meme Repository
Total Time: (12:10:38)
Cynical Reviews
Total Time: (7:20:26)
Total Time: (4:15:30)
Chud Logic
Total Time: (1:22:43)
Capital-O Opinions
Total Time: (9:50:54)
Total Time: (7:17:14)
Total Time: (4:14:37)
Total Time: (1:04:34)
Total Time: (9:22:58)
Jon Graham
Total Time: (6:55:55)
Total Time: (4:14:00)
Total Time: (55:57)
Marc The Cyborg
Total Time: (8:06:59)
That Star Wars Girl
Total Time: (5:39:39)
Total Time: (2:47:31)
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