EFAP #300 in stats
Runtime: 24:01:37 | Guests: 26 + Rag's | Videos Covered: 10 | 1 Pair of Tipples
Total Time: (17:03:13)
Total Time: (6:51:23)
Total Time: (4:09:48)
Total Time: (1:34:31)
Total Time: (15:27:35)
Total Time: (6:39:20)
Total Time: (4:02:54)
Total Time: (1:29:20)
Total Time: (10:35:13)
Total Time: (6:07:53)
Total Time: (3:18:25)
Total Time: (1:21:35)
Total Time: (9:07:13)
Total Time: (5:57:25)
Total Time: (2:58:38)
Total Time: (56:32)
Total Time: (8:24:07)
Total Time: (5:39:54)
Total Time: (2:33:55)
Total Time: (26:03)
Part One | Batwoman 2x13 | Part Two | Batwoman 2x14 | Part Three
The Sixth Anniversary of Pausing Every Frame - Covering Everything with Everyone - Part 1

Be sure to fill out the The Objectively Subjective EFAP Year 6 Community Survey!
*Discussion* FPS games
- Indigo Gaming, Theo, MarcTheCyborg, Jedi Brooks join -
(19:27) First Video
Disability, Difficulty, And The Discourse That's Lost The Plot by Jim Sterling (Aka: "I hate" - Theo 2024 )
"I love it when story driven games, driven by a story, let you just enjoy the story."
*Discussion* Difficulty levels, game design, endings
*Discussion* How many people legit use accessibility systems, board games/card games, interesting game systems
"If the idea of boycotting a game because some people you don’t know could play it without dying if they wanted to sounds, I dunno, completely fucking weird, don’t worry."
- Goger & Fortea join -
*Discussion* bosses and multiple players and balancing, use in various games
"Exactly *why* is the existence of a very basic accessibility option that’s technically been around as long as cheat codes have been a thing, so offensive as to render the game unplayable?"
"The idea that accessibility is something you need to take a principled stance on the same way you would about literal Nazi iconography really speaks volumes about what a cunt you are."
"Dragon Age isn’t known or celebrated for being difficult, it isn’t known for requiring its players to “git gud”. It’s a BioWare game."
"To cry foul over a story-driven game having a story-driven difficulty mode, to spunk blood in rage over those less able than you getting to enjoy the same toys you do, is to basically admit you just want players excluded for the sake of it."
*Tangent* Rags found Disney cringe in the wild
"Recently, online personality Alanah Pearce found herself the focus of a witch hunt after Git Gudders decided to be pathetic little anuses about a comment she made that had been deliberately taken out of context and more or less *lied* about on social media."
*Discussion* Children as disabilities, other types of being a disabled
"Alanah used the concept of parenthood to help non-disabled people relate to disability and understand how prohibitive it can be to play an unpausable game."
*Discussion* Taking a look at the inclusive disability chart (Image 5)
- Fortea leaves -
"I learned a long time ago that trying to be reasonable with these people is a waste of time."
*Discussion* Pausing in games, saving in games & the enjoyment you get from difficulty settings
"Any developer who would disable such basic functionality as pausing because they think it increases the difficulty somehow is being, well, fucking bad at game design."
*Discussion* 30FPS cos single player & other frame rates
"Being unable to pause a game literally adds nothing. It's taking away one of the most rudimentary functions a game can have."

Hosts & Guests
*Discussion* Thoughts on the video & Fallout game/show chat
- NicholasDeoRio joins -
(5:00:38) Second Video
Boogie the clown by Boogie2988 (Aka: TIPPLES)
"I could rob Fort Knox and see the gold to leprechauns."
"I did it wrong I fumbled like 100% I fumbled I wasn't fully diagnosed my doctor told me it was possible he told me that he saw signs of it, I made the video because I knew that I was going to need money one way or the other I should have waited till I got the diagnosis I should have waited I should have mentioned the cancer scare when I made the video I panicked."
- Theo leaves -
"I wont dignify anyone that makes fun of my abuse." *Enter TIPPLES THE CLOWN*
- Moriarty joins -
*Discussion* Showing Keemstar the cancer clip
- Indigo Gaming leaves, Keemstar joins -
*Discussion* Keemstar mindblown and chatting about Boogie and his antics
- Keemstar leaves -
*Discussion* Southern accent searches, looking for Vaush clip
- Cynical Reviews joins -
"It doesn't matter if its a good point"
"My bank account doesn't have my focial-sok-social security number, you dumb bald fat fuck!"
"Everything I said to Coffeezilla becomes true now."

- Goger, NicholasDeoRio, MarcTheCyborg & Jedi Brooks leaves & DarkHour, Creetosis & Capital-O Opinions joins -
(7:37:22) Third Video
HOT TAKE! | 5 Best & Worst Marvel Movies by Ben Shapiro (Aka: Pretty cold takes until the end)
- Shadiversity joins -
"Number one is Ironman, It's Elon musk wearing a suit flying around being a libertarian"
"It may include a non-talking tree as well as a talking raccoon."
"can you explain the raccoon thing I'm so confused he's not a raccoon."
"Once we know the characters and they have like random sort of Adventures, I find it less interesting because there's very little character development that happens from these characters, they're more like sitcom characters."
"if you have like the glove that can manifest shit, why don't you make extra planets my dude"
"we get to more of these rankings which you're either loving or hating in just one moment first getting into credit" *Ad Alert*
*Discussion* How much would it take for Disney to buy a review out of you? & What and who controls the scores
"I will explain why: the characters make zero sense"
"The entire purpose of Captain America is that Captain America is John McCain. He's like a 1940s crotchety old man who's in the body of a of a 25-year-old buff dude."
"Captain America immediately turns into like a soy boy like by by the time we get to Avengers endgame."
"by the time he gets a civil war he's like we should all register with the government because I'm a good little vaxer and I'm going to make sure that everybody has their gun registered with the federal government."

Memes Shown

Runtime: 9:19:51 | Guests: 15 + Rag's | Videos Covered: 3

Part One | Batwoman 2x13 | Part Two | Batwoman 2x14 | Part Three
EFAP TV: Reacting to Batwoman S02E13 - I'll Give You a Clue

When Sophie must face a foe from her rookie days with The Crows, Ryan, Mary and Luke are also pulled into the villain's game, the tables are turned on Alice when she finds herself in dire circumstances; Jacob continues to revisit the past.

Part One | Batwoman 2x13 | Part Two | Batwoman 2x14 | Part Three
The Sixth Anniversary of Pausing Every Frame - Covering Everything with Everyone - Part 2

Be sure to fill out the The Objectively Subjective EFAP Year 6 Community Survey!
(10:01) Fourth Video
The Multiverse Killed Deadpool & Wolverine by HiTop Films (Aka: Wounded animal drags out every word)
*Discussion* Everyone's opinion on Deadpool & Wolverine, Cringe in other films
"Underneath Wolverine's comic accurate action figure cow is a movie that actively despite trying so hard not to be represents everything that is fundamentally for a lack of a better word, fucked."
"I once made an over dramatic video called we killed the Multiverse this is an overdramatic video on how the Multiverse killed Deadpool and Wolverine."
"But before we get into it you ever try Googling yourself I'm sure you have you Google my dumbass and one of the first links that pops up outside the hate pages that I fall asleep to every night is this site ri.." *AD BREAK*"
*Tangent* Fringy gets reminded of Simpsons references
"I'm rambling from the inside of the fucking toilet bowl."
- The Little Platoon & DarkHour leave, JLongbone joins -
*Discussion* Would you rather watch Chris Stuckmann or Hitop Films?
"I thought for a small brief innocent moment that Deadpool and Wolverine wasn't going to just be an empty spectacle that we clap at in between our loud chewing of overpriced popcorn that we willingly choose to eat out of the mouth of a poorly made $45 plastic piece of shit."
*Tangent* What is Nutsa's favourite opera?
"this is the guy who has always played by his own rules and above all else deeply cared about his own people the last time we saw him on screen he had found his found family of Misfits and had grown the most a character like him possibly can to be okay with being constantly fucked over."
"if they gave Laura's Story here weight meaning if they didn't give us a shallow retread with a few different beats for Wolverine I would not be questioning all the weird timeline time travel logic"
"the ideas are there a long tracking shot where a fully costume Duo kills 100 Deadpool's in a cathartic blood bath but the level of digital plastic porcelain coating on top ruined any sense of reality or grandiosity that that moment needed to have"
"if any one of the fox characters should have had the most screen time in the movie it's Johnny, he's the one character that the casual audience member probably has the fondest Memories of."
"Jennifer Gardner is here to do the same except at least she gets a meaningful speech about wanting to have an actual ending"
"I don't mean to be mean I never do."
"we acknowledge How Far We've stumbled how far we've lost our way that doesn't change the fact that we just can't seem to find our way back........ *HiTop Films later died due to low HP*

(3:02:06) Meme break
How Every HiTop Films Video Essay Starts by K. Fillet (Aka: Much needed relief)
Hosts & Guests
- Shadiversity, JLongbone & Cynical Reviews leave -
*Discussion* Chatting about cheese
- MarcTheCyborg & Goger join -
(3:16:46) Fifth Video
Bad Dialogue vs Good Dialogue (Writing Advice) by Writer Brandon McNulty (Aka: So you have chosen death)
*Discussion* Rags explains in detail why the sand line isn't that bad
"your character should always be wanting something in their scenes and they should be trying to obtain information through dialogue exchanges."
"In attack of the clones if you remember the one scene where Anakin and Padme are talking beside the fire and Anakin just completely spills his unfiltered emotions out to her it's completely on the nose."
"you don't want this type of melodrama in your stories instead try something like what the Castlevania Netflix series does."
"The as you know bob exchange is not what you want in your stories because it's just a cheap attempt at telling the audience something an example of this comes from the first lord of the rings movie."
"In this example Bilbo and Frodo are discussing something that they both already know neither one of them is really gaining anything from this conversation it's purely there so that the audience can be brought up to speed on what happened to Frodo's parents and frankly it's just lazy writing...."
"He (The Hound) has a poetic moment but it is still something that sounds natural coming out of his mouth: "fuck the king's guard, fuck the city, fuck the king."

(4:48:01) Sixth Video
Why I'm Lonely Gaming - Extra Credits Gaming by Extra Credits (Aka: EVERYTHING IS TOXIC)
- Capital-O Opinions attempts to leave -
*Discussion* Rags stops Cap escaping to ask the question what's your favourite line of bad dialogue?
- Capital-O Opinions & Creetosis leave -
- "there was a time that you had to set up a server or get a party together if you wanted to play your games."
- "Today many of us myself included more often than not just slam that solo queue button I mean it's just easy right couple that with the rise in toxicity thanks for that humans plus anonymity and we have a powerful brew for isolating folks
- The Meme Repository joins -
"there was a time that you had to set up a server or get a party together if you wanted to play your games."
"what if we try to match you for the most enjoyable game rather than the fastest most competitively balanced one"
"I'm sure that most of you watching have had that experience too your precious few hours of free time that you got to sit down in game just ended up leaving you stressed and maybe more miffed than you were before you played because you got matched with jerks instead of people you liked."
- Nicholasdeorio joins -
"the system could even try to proactively match people who have played together and gotten along in the past helping to naturally Foster new friendships and weed out Bad actors."
"Until something akin to social matchmaking exists in our games we're inviting all of you to join our Patreon and hop in our Discord" *If you just give us money, you won't be lonely anymore!*
"look we've all been there I've had plenty of nights where the only light is the glow of a screen where I want to have a meaningful conversation with another person but it seems just so difficult and distant and I didn't know where to start."

- Nutsa leaves -
(5:58:28) Seventh Video
Boogie goes shopping by Boogie2988 (Aka: The Clown strikes back)
"Number one it's diet mountain dew, and number two my friend was around and he had nothing to drink!"
- HeelvsBabyface joins -
"That's natural peanut butter by the way"
- Metalcommander joins -
*Discussion* Talking about the found Boogie clip, Platoon vs Keem
"A lot of that I won't eat cos its for my girlfriend!"
"I would gobble your brown cock for 10k"
- Random Film Talk joins -
"No I didn't get hookers, I did sugaring"
"I bought them dinner, I bought them dinner, I bought them dinner, I bought them dinner"
"Let me ask you a question, do you think raping every fan up the ass is worth it? You didn't do that, I didn't do that"
"We're gonna treat you for this, there's no need to diagnose it."
"I'm going to go eat myself to death"

- HeelvsBabyface leaves, ShortFatOtaku joins -
(7:42:35) Reading and cringe clips break
Xanderhal breaks down


Checking out some streamer clips
Real BBC see xQc discovering condensation and Jam a man of fortune
xQc reacts to the condensation clip
xQc doesn't like a reaction take
xQc discovers dirty towels are bad
All movies are right wing, strong good win over weak bad, Squid game, LoTR is one dimensional
Fallout was totally about anti-capitalism
Fish are not animals
- Nicholasdeorio, Goger & MarcTheCyborg leaves, Critical Drinker & Ryan Kinel join -
(8:47:41) Eighth Video
The Truth About Star Wars EXPOSED! (Pong Krell, Clones, Morality, George Lucas, and Original Texts) by StarWarsTruthMan692 (Aka: Wat.)
"I am fed up I am so fed up with people not understanding the truth about the most popular sci-fi franchise ever."
"every clone ever deserves to be wiped out as penance for what they helped accomplish no exceptions, I don't care if there are good ones like rex or Cody or whoever just kill them all"
"so in summary fuck the clones for being no better than the Death Star, fuck Rex for being full of shit, fuck Cody for being useless, fuck Dogma for killing the unsung hero of the show Pong Krell"
"And speaking of his kids Luke and Leia need to die too because they're products of Anakin sperm meaning they too will inevitably fall to the dark side"
- Nerdrotic joins -
"Boba Fett is a contract killer so he's a criminal too and a clone on top of that so he should die too C3PO should die for being built by Anakin Finn should die for being an Empire 2.0 Soldier and no I don't care if he defected and Ray should die for being Palpatine's granddaughter."

(9:11:57) Ninth Video
Ben Shapiro DESTROYS "House Of The Dragon" (Season 2) by Ben Shapiro (Aka: Nothing happened)
"We're here to recap season two of House of the Dragon here's the quick recap nothing happened for a whole season this video is sponsored by Express Vpn."
- The Meme Repository leaves -
"Helena suddenly is like warging or something and there was no hint that she was going to do any of that she also seems bizarrely undisturbed by watching one of her children beheaded"
"Raina just stumbles around a landscape until she finds a dragon correct that's her entire story line yeah that that was great for some reason she had a conflict with someone that I didn't understand."
"Allison sits around being upset that her kids are brats and annoying basically she's willing to let them die."
- Critical Drinker leaves -
"meanwhile Aegon spends the entire season lying sick in his bed and talking about how he doesn't have a dick that works."
"we'll get to more of that horrible show in just one second first let there be no doubt big Tec..." *AD BREAK*
"I guess you're supposed to feel bad kind of when the queen Who Never Was gets killed aboard her Dragon, but do you really feel anything because nobody is doing anything that makes sense"
"The show can only course correct if they give clear motivations to the characters again maybe they'll get to some battles."
- Ryan Kinel leaves -

(10:08:03) RLM Clip + Reddit cringe
RLM Apologise & EFAP got to the RLM Subreddit
"I have to apologise to Star Wars man"
"But boy oh boy, did it annoy me when people didn't know why Ten Forward was called Ten Forward"
EFAP got clipped to RLM's subreddit

Memes Shown

Runtime: 10:38:52 | Guests: 19 + Rag's | Videos Covered: 6

Part One | Batwoman 2x13 | Part Two | Batwoman 2x14 | Part Three
EFAP TV: Reacting to Batwoman S02E14 - And Justice for All

Batwoman is faced with a new challenge when Gotham's addicts become ravenous for more than the next fix.

Part One | Batwoman 2x13 | Part Two | Batwoman 2x14 | Part Three
The Sixth Anniversary of Pausing Every Frame - Covering Everything with Everyone - Part 3

(2:32) Survey Time
The Objectively Subjective EFAP Year 6 Community Survey
Which were your favourite EFAP episodes of Year 6?
- Creetosis joins -
Which were your favourite EFAP media reactions this year?
Who was your favourite new EFAP guest this year?
Which were your favourite memes and moments of Year 6 of EFAP?
Which of EFAP's hot takes this season did you disagree with the most?
How would you rate this year of EFAP in comparison to earlier years?
How many years have you been following EFAP?
Which is your favourite year of EFAP so far?
Roughly how many of the main EFAP episodes (#251-299) of this season have you consumed?
Roughly how much of the EFAP side content that's come out since #250 have you consumed?
Which of the following adjacent media discussion shows and podcasts do you follow at least semi-regularly?
In the past year, have you consumed a piece of primary media (movie, game, show, whatever) that you otherwise wouldn't have, because EFAP recommended it for its quality?
In the past year, have you consumed a bad piece of primary media because EFAP was covering it and you wanted context?
On a scale of 1-5, rate your interest in these types of content for EFAP episodes
How good was Deadpool & Wolverine on a scale of 1-10? (only answer if you've seen it yourself)
How many times did you go to the cinema since last August?
- Nicholasdeorio joins -
Who was your favourite in the Quiz Show episode?
Can Pinocchio sing about being a real boy without his nose growing?
What's the best line of dialogue from the bad guy of Madame Web?
Who is your most desired future guest on EFAP?
What's the BEST rat to come out since EFAP #250?
What's the WORST rat to come out since EFAP #250?
What's the MOST DISAPPOINTING rat to come out since EFAP #250?
What upcoming media are you most looking forward to?
Hosts & Guests
(1:16:51) Tenth Video
Boogie vs community service by Boogie2988 (Aka: There's a skeleton in there)
"I don't wanna get hit by a fucking car!"
"I can't sit on the ground! I'll never fucking get up"
"Stretch? stretch? are you fucking retarded?"
"Well my knees fell like shit, because I got busted knees and my back is flaring up!"
"If you're one of these people out here in 2024 littering, I hope you all die"
"I like my nostril hairs"
"I'm trying to do community service bitch, I'm trying to do a nice thing bitch!"
*Tangent* Boogie is Chief Wiggam
"I'm not gonna drink a strangers piss!"
"Hi, everybody, I hope you're having a great fucking time!"
"It's just a rice krispies treat"
I wore the skin off my my finger from doing manual labour"
"No motherfucker, it's a miracle I'm still alive"
"Oh, oh"

Memes Shown

Runtime: 4:02:54 | Guests: 7 + Rag's | Videos Covered: 1